Eros y la civilización

En finalización con Chinnamasta, aparecen proyectos antiguos que tenía ganas de realizar.  Esta canción del gran Javier Krahe bien podría ser un himno del Tantra Planetario. A mí esta lírica del Krahe lleva mucho tiempo rondándome, mucho antes de entrar en el Tantra Planetario, la música de Krahe sonaba en casa y el placer removía el ambiente.

Sé que otros PSKs (pleasure-seeking kalikas) puede que la disfruten tanto como JM y yo, así que !va por ustedes! Traduzco al inglés la letra para que el mundo angloparlante conozca la buena cultura española.

“Eros and the civilization” Javier Krahe

Although I’ve felt a cataclysm
when I saw you,
I Can no longer love you,
nothing is the same.
Since you got married
I use unguent,
good for the fatigue
of my torment.
Both of us know well,
very well,
that it’s inappropriate now
so good-bye.

You say you are so unhappily married,
so badly hurt,
that changes nothing,
forbidden fruit,
and stop chatting
that you may make I get mixed up,
I don’t say that when you wish so
you won’t get it.
You still hold a great power
but it’s impossible
and I leave.

You may start and smile
and I’m in a hurry,
you may cause I get mixed up
with your smile.
You may start and touch me
in your way,
knowing that you arouse weakness
in me.
Weakness and a tremor under the skin,
be a good girl, my ex-lover,
don’t be cruel.

You may start and kiss me
as you know,
with tongue and very severe
or you may hug me so tight
that you don’t disentagle,
my darling,
and I can no longer think,
ergo non sum,
and down to the ground we go,
zas and catapún.

Here on the pavement
I honor
the sun on Antequera
You may fuck me
the way I like
and blisters appear
and some “I love you”.
And a man goes out from the bar
with his elixir´
that he has to put down
to clap.

People from other bars
follow his steps.
Many glasses get broken,
hundreds, thousands.
All the street is full
of broken glass,
children cut themselves,
the valley is flooded,
the nation is flooded,
the future,
and good living.

And the American
send planes
against the Mexican
because they think that Spain
is down there.
And then they are puzzled
by their bad work.
It would be the chaos and
world war,
and I’m not fond of it
or goes wrong with me.

Keep that hand still,
smiling girl,
don’t you see that the whole planet
has the attention on you?
Don’t approach your mouth,
don’t hug me,
get out, crazy insane girl,
what are you doing?
The end of the world is near
and we may not care
and it’s a pleasure.

All the street is full
of broken glass,
children cut themselves,
the valley is flooded,
the nation is flooded,
the future,
and good living,
and the American
send planes
against the Colombian

And we don’t care,
and it is a pleasure.
The end of the world now,
the end of the world now,
and we don’t care,
damn it, woman!

RG y JM, Chinnamasta 2016